Es war einmal ein Baum, auf dem wuchsen Kirschen und Aprikosen, aber auch Pfirsiche, Mandeln, Pflaumen und vieles mehr. Was im ersten Moment nach Grimms Märchen klingt, ist tatsächlich wahr: Der Künstler Sam Van Aken lässt auf seinem „Tree of 40 Fruit“ sage und schreibe 40 verschiedene Fruchtsorten wachsen. Die Pariser Designerin Faustine Durand besitzt zwar keinen Zauberbaum, dafür aber magische Hände. Mit ihren flinken Fingern häkelt sie all das, was uns sonst Mutter Natur beschert: Charlotte La Carotte, Octave la Betterave oder Faustine la Clémentine … Im üppigen Garten Eden der Französin gedeiht es: handgemachtes, ökologisches Spielzeug für die nächste Generation Veggie …
„Seeing growing a plant is the most beautiful thing!“
Kinder und Kohlrabi werden wohl niemals beste Freunde sein. Und die Rote Bete? Die hat es schon immer schwer gehabt, den Gaumen der Kleinen zu erobern – es sei denn, sie hat große Kulleraugen und eine freche Zunge, an der man ziehen kann.
Die Veggy Toys von MyuM, das sind kleine fruchtige Persönlichkeiten, kumpelhafte Spielgefährten, die den Kindern die Liebe zur Natur vermitteln sollen. Außerdem sehen die Rasseln und Baby-Spieluhren zum Anbeißen aus, sie sind einfach „Miam“, wie der Franzose sagt und totally „Yummy“, also in einem Wort MyuM!
Was ihr ökologisches Spielzeug sonst so einzigartig macht, welchen berühmten Hit John Lemon trällert, sobald man an seiner Zunge zieht und aus welchen Zutaten der Vitamin-Kick besteht, mit dem sie in den Tag startet, das verrät uns Faustine Durand im Interview …
MILAN Magazine: Faustine, do you remember the moment you thought: Let’s found a big Veggy Family?
Faustine Durand: 15 years ago, my friend taught me how to crochet. I immediately created vegetables. I started with a radish, a turnip and a beetroot … The first time I put eyes and mouths on them, they looked like big strawberries. At that time I was living in Tokyo where I was studying fine art. I guess I was inspired by Kawaii characters. I wanted to create cute and funny characters.
And when I was back in France, Sarah from Colette store saw my works on Instagram and ordered a first collection. While I was creating it, I realized that there are a lot of soft toys in the shape of animals but not that much of vegetables. And nutrition is one of the most important topics in education. So, I decided to create the Veggy Toy Family.
Charlotte la Carrote ist ein betagtes Mitglied der Veggy Family, aber so knackig frisch, als hätte man sie gerade eben aus dem Gartenbeet gezogen
MM: Where does your passion for fruits and vegetables come from?
FD: My grandfather was a farmer and my father had a kitchen garden, we used to take care of it every weekend and I really loved vegetables and fruits. Seeing growing a plant from the seed to the plate is the most beautiful thing! It’s Mother Nature in action with our help! And you’re so proud and happy to eat what you grow! I think it’s amazing! It makes me peaceful and happy.
MM: „Fruits are beautiful! Vegetables are cool!“ These slogans are written down in the MyumNIFESTO. Why do you think it’s so important for children nowadays to play with Mother Nature?
FD: Everyone knows we have a serious problem with global warming and child obesity. The Veggy Toys are made to sensitize children for green diet and let them become aware of natural processes and the beauty of vegetables and fruits. Usually children dislike veggies, they think greens don’t taste good and they prefer junk food. We try to change this stereotype.
MM: We really like the idea of a flower turning into a strawberry. What is the intention behind the MyuM reversible toys?
FD: It consists in teaching the children that before a fruit, there is always a flower. That is why, just as an example, the tomato is a fruit in botanical terms. It shows a natural process and at the same time it’s funny!
MM: And then there is the fabulous MyuM band: What will John Lemon, Paul Pear, Georges Strawberry and Ringo Apple play when we pull on their tongue?
FD: Haha! They play a short melody of the Beatles, John Lemon sings „Imagine“, Paul Pear sings „Here Comes The Sun“ … and we have fishes singing „Yellow Submarine“.
Philippe Turnip, die Steckrübe: MyuM kreiert ökologisches Spielzeug und holt das Suppengemüse aus seinem Schattendasein
MM: Each crochet toy which grows in the MyuM garden is made completely by hand. Who produces all these eggplants, carrots, turnips, etc. and what are your values concerning the production?
FD: Yes, all the Veggy Toys are handmade, there is no machine activity at any moment. Every soft toy is an entirely handcrafted object. And it takes two hours to make a carrot!
When I created the collection for Colette I made all of them. It took me three months! I was crocheting every day all the summer of 2014. After that, other shops asked me to make some toys for them, but I couldn’t handle it. They also asked for a lower price and it became impossible to produce in Europe. I tried to find a factory, but they always asked for big quantities, 1000 by 1000. It was absolutely impossible for me to finance it.
Finally, I asked a Chinese friend in Tokyo if she knows a small workshop. She said she knows some women in her hometown who were skilled in crochet and who could handle small quantities. I started with three women working at home. And now, four years later, ten women are working in a workshop and twenty at home. We only make use of plant fibers. I’m against animal exploitation, so there is no alpaca, no wool … Only organic cotton! To summary the values of our toys: HANDMADE – ORGANIC – CRUELTY FREE – PLASTIC FREE – UNIGENDER.
MM: You are working everyday amid sweet cherries, spicy radishes and juicy apples. Doesn’t that whet your appetite for fresh fruits and vegetables? Which fruit or veggie is your favourite and how do you like to eat it?
FD: Haha! I love all of them! I’ve got a juicer and I start every morning with a delicious juice. My favourite mix is apple + carrot + beetroot + ginger. And I also love cucumber + apple + green leaf + ginger … I really like roasted vegetables for winter (carrots, butternut, turnips …) or steamed vegetables for summer (carrots, peas, broccoli …) served cold in a salad with bulgur and seeds. And some hints for hot summer days: I love salads made of dill and oranges, or melon mixed with avocado and lemon, or watermelon mixed with feta … Now I’m getting hungry!!!
MM: Will your Veggy Family grow in the next few years and who will be the next popstar after John Lemon or Ringo Apple?
FD: Haha! For this autumn we are introducing a mushroom family with cep, girolle and boletus … And for the next year, I’m creating a broccoli!
MM: Thank you very much for the interview, Faustine.
Ökologisches Spielzeug mit einer wichtigen Botschaft: Eat more Veggies!
Auch wenn uns Faustine Durand nicht zu einer vegetarischen Lebensweise bekehren will, ist die Schöpferin der MyuM Veggy Toys dennoch der Meinung, wir sollten alle mehr Obst und Gemüse essen. Kein leichter Vorsatz? Ach was, beim Anblick der knackigen Cherry Sisters oder dem saftigen William Pear können wir gar nicht anders, als beherzt reinzubeißen …
Und das ist vollkommen unbedenklich, da alle Veggy Toys ausschließlich aus biologischer Baumwolle hergestellt sind. Die Rasseln, Baby-Spieluhren und Wendeobjekte von MyuM sind aber nicht nur lecker, sondern fungieren auch als Lernspielzeug für Kinder und Babys: Wenn man mit Eric Leek das Gitterbettchen teilt, weiß man später wie ein Lauch aussieht!
Alles bei MyuM ist authentisch und bis ins kleinste Detail ausgereift: Sogar an braune Papiertüten hat Faustine Durand für ihr ökologisches Spielzeug gedacht: Darin werden die Veggy Toys sorgfältig verpackt, wenn du das junge Obst und Gemüse im brandeigenen Webshop oder z.B. bei amazon bestellst. Auch wer originelle Geburtsgeschenke sucht, wird im großen Garten Eden von MyuM fündig.
All Images by © Myum, The Veggy Toys. All Rights Reserved
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